5.30pm for 6pm Monday 1 July – Rearranged date to play the Underwood Trophy (Men v Ladies)
10.30am Saturday 20 July – 2 Wood Triples Day & BBQ
2pm Saturday 17 August – Captains’ Charity Day

Ember Evening League (Ken Homewood)
The first 5 rounds of matches have now been played. All teams have had at least 1 win and Echo suffered their first loss. Foxtrot have now taken over as leaders with Alpha trailing in sixth place but only 4 points behind.
Many of the 15 matches have been very close and 3 games have been ties. Most importantly everyone seems to be enjoying the games and the social in the bar afterwards.  The results are available on the website so you can see how the teams are doing by a quick visit to the website.

2 Wood Mixed Triples Day – Saturday 20 July (Ken Homewood)
This is a fun competition open to ALL ladies and gentlemen of ALL abilities. New bowlers are welcome as this is an opportunity to participate in a serious but fun competition. If you wish to enter, please put your name on the sign-up sheet in them mixed matches folder in the clubhouse or contact Ken Homewood ( or 01483-282384)
The teams will be drawn on the day considering the individual handicaps to ensure that games are evenly matched. Losers in the first round will enter a plate competition, so everyone is guaranteed at least two games. The day starts at 10am with the draw and bowling starting at 10.30am. Coffees, teas and biscuits are included in the entry fee of £3.00 and there will be prizes for the winners of both the main competition and the plate competition. The winners will formally be presented with the Trophy on FINALS WEEKEND. Sadly, lunch is not included, so you must bring your own but there is a BBQ!
Andy Hughes has kindly volunteered to be BBQ chef and the BBQ will at 5pm after the 2-wood trips competition. The sign-up sheet for this is on the notice board. Everyone is welcome to come along to enjoy the evening’s good food and good company. Please sign-up early so that we may plan the catering, a bargain at £15pp.

Friendly Match Results (Chris Axton)
Since the last newsletter we have played a further 5 matches – Woking Park, Supreme, Esher, Imber Court and West Byfleet. Of these we have won 3 and lost 2.Our overall results so far this season are 7 wins, 3 losses and one draw – so a very creditable performance to date.
At the time of writing, we still have a further 11 mixed friendlies to play this season, of which only 3 are away matches. Whilst our players have been doing very well, it would be great to see some newer faces in the teams, so please do put your names down to play if you are available.

Ember Ladies (Rosie Burges)
The ladies have played 2 friendly matches in June. We won away against Bookham but lost at home to Bishop Duppas.
It was nice to see some newer bowlers taking part in these games, with Jill Le Maire, Jayne Britten, Penni Aran representing the club for the first time. Well done to them.
We look forward to our remaining games and already have a team selected for West Byfleet on 2nd July.
Captains’ charity day is on Saturday 17th August and all members are invited to come and help us raise some money for the Brigitte Trust while taking part in some fun bowls activities on the green, followed by refreshments. Look at the notice board in the clubhouse for more details shortly.

Bowls Bonus Ball Winners (Malcolm and Jenny Baird)
The first tranche (20th April to 22nd June) has now been completed and the £30 weekly prizes have been awarded to the lucky winners:
Week 1.   John Rodgers.  (32)
Week 2.   John Carr           (53)
Week 3.    Sue Petitt.         (10)
Week 4.    Mike Petitt.       (24)
Week 5.    Geoff Hill.          (29).
Week 6.    Alison Craze.    (13)
Week 7.    Colin Jones.       (9)
Week 8.    Jenny Baird.      (59)
Week 9.    Gill Ovington.    (34)
Week 10.  Davina Pike.      (30)
Thank you to all those who supported this Bonus Ball fund raiser, all the proceeds of which go towards the costs of the Bowls section.
The second tranche of our Bonus Ball runs from 29th June to 31st August.  All the numbers have been purchased so many thanks to you all!  Good luck in the forthcoming draws!  

Club Competitions (Linda Pillman and Mary Baker)
The first round of club completions has been completed. Players are reminded that the final date of the next round is 28th July.  If you haven’t already started to organise your pairs or triples matches, start now!

Experienced Markers Wanted (Mary Baker/Sylvia Jones)
The Non-Winners competition draw has been made and is on the board. New members, in particular, will be looking for members to mark their matches  If you feel you would like to help out, sign the list on the notice board, including your contact details.  Experienced markers are required, you should have attended one of our Markers Courses.

Racal Decca Mixed League (Tony Baker)
We have had more success in recent games. We played 3 away games in June and won two and lost one.  Results were:

All Match Results and upcoming fixtures are listed on the Fixtures page of this website.

External Competitions (Tony Baker)
We are doing well and battling hard in N W Surrey and Surrey Competitions. The men (Adam Willson, Ken Homewood, Dick Jones and Tony Baker) did really well in the Top 4 County Competition by winning 16-11 against a strong team from Putney Town and now await their opponents in the Area 2 semi-final.
Beth Cartledge and Tony Baker beat a strong Southey team 25-10 and are through to Round 3 where they play against Oxshott.
Beth Cartledge, Mary Baker, Ken Homewood and Tony Baker are through to the Area 2 Surrey Mixed Four Competition after a good win against Southey 18-11 and now also play a team from Oxshott on 30 June.
In the N W Surrey Mixed Triples our team of Beth Cartledge, May Baker and Tony Baker had a good win 17-13 against Byfleet on a very difficult green and play in the quarter final against Oatlands Park.
Beth Cartledge was fortunate in getting a bye into the semi-finals of the N W Surrey Ladies Singles and will play shortly against Ashford.

Take a look at these websites to keep up to date with bowls at county and national levels.

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