If you want to play in a Club Friendly match you need to let the Captains know that you are available to play. They will then select the team and let you know if you have been selected or not. We are moving to an on-line system hosted by Bowls Surrey and the first thing you need to do is to set up an account. You will then receive emails to advise which matches you are able to put your name down for and, in due course, to let you know if you are selected.. The information below will guide you through the process.
Setting up your account
To enable you to access the online match booking system, you will have given your email address to us and it will have been added to your personal record on the Bowls Surrey system. NB: If you share an email account with another club member, see paragraph 9 below.
Once you email is on the system, you can “login” if you are doing this for the first time please go to www.scbamatch.co.uk
You will be taken to the Bowls Surrey website, in the righthand corner you will see the menu item “login”
Click on “login”, you will then see the following: –
When logging in for the first time click on “Create Login”.
The following screen will be displayed. Enter your details, click “Submit”.
The system will then send you an email from Bowls Surrey, asking you to activate your account. Please note, the email may go into your trash / junk / spam folder, if it does, move it to your inbox and mark it as NOT JUNK / SPAM. Then open it and follow the instructions.
When creating your password it must comply with these rules: Minimum of 8 characters, at least 1 Uppercase letter, 1 lowercase, 1 numeric. Do not use any symbols.
Once you have created your account, it will ask you to “login”. Use the same information you used to create your account. (See below for how to log in.) You will be asked to agree to the Privacy Policy. Once you have done this you will be on the system & are able to apply to play in Club matches. (If at any stage of this process, it asks if you want to save your password, we recommend you say YES.)
Shared Email Accounts. If you share an email account with another member then one of you will be the “primary” user and has to use the email address as their Username. The other is the “secondary” user and the system automatically allocates a user name by combining their Forename and Surname (without a space). For example, if Fred and Wilma Flintstone were sharing an email address then one of them (let’s say Fred) is set up as the primary user and uses the email address. Wilma’s username will be WilmaFlintstone and she will need a different password.
It is advised that one person signs on first using the email address and sets up a password as above and checks which one of them is allocated as the primary user. Do this by logging in and then selecting My Details from the menu bar. The other person should then set up their account using the “secondary” username.
Logging In and applying to play in Club matches.
When matches are “published” on the system (this is done by the Captains), you will receive an email saying you can now apply for the following matches. It may also specify an “apply by date”, if so, you need to apply to play before that date is reached. If there is no specific “apply by date” and just the match date is given, then apply as soon as you can, to give time for team selection and confirmations to be issued.
NB The email will be sent by Bowls Surrey, not by Ember BC.
Go to www.scbamatch.co.uk and click “login”
Enter your email address in the Username box and your password in the Password box, then click Login.
When you login you will see the following:
To apply for matches, click on Matches, you will see the following (NB the example shown is for Purley Bury BC not Ember BC)
NB: If you play in County Matches the system may display “County” instead of our club name. In this case click on the word “County” and take the option to switch to Ember BC.
Click the box on the right-hand side against all the games you wish to apply for. Then, click “Apply” at the bottom. This will then bring up the list of games you have selected and ask you to confirm. Click “Confirm” if selections are correct, if not, then go back and re-select.
Confirming your selection (or withdrawing) for a Match
When the team for each match is selected, you will receive an email from Bowls Surrey, to indicate if you have been selected or not. If you have been selected you need to confirm that you are still available, please do the following: –
Login and go to “Matches” and click on the green number next to “Confirm” this will bring up a list of the matches that you need to “confirm or withdraw” Ensure that you complete all the steps required, otherwise your action will not be recorded.
If you have not been selected to play you can select “Withdraw” or do nothing. If you do not withdraw you will stay as a reserve for the match.
Once you have successfully completed this action, all you need to do now is turn up for the match.
NB It is essential that you contact your Captain, if after confirming your availability, you subsequently become unavailable.