Ember Sports Club Blog

Upcoming talk: “In The Footsteps of Shackleton”

A great event coming up – “In The Footsteps of Shackleton”, a lunch followed by a talk on Shackleton’s adventures by Martin Thomas. To book email emberjane2@btinternet.com or phone 07768 632684. Bookings open January 2nd and are £15pp.

Clubhouse Refurbishment Update

We are delighted to announce that we shall soon receive a grant under the Members’ Community Allowance funding scheme of Surrey County Council, towards the cost of our new security shutters. This has been made possible by the generous sponsorship of Councillors Peter Szanto and Nick Darby.

Over the coming months, following approval by the recent Management Committee meeting, we shall be implementing this project, together with new flooring and internal doors, as well as considering what additional projects we may be able to undertake, including new seating and lighting.

Golf Croquet Handicap Doubles Final 2024

A tightly contested final finished in a well-deserved victory for Sue and Tom after just under three hours of play. Each of the three games went to 5-5 and both teams ran 19 hoops showing how very close it was. Tom hardly missed a run; Sue was on fire; and Roger skilfully guided Louise through a tactics masterclass to keep them in close contention.

Roger and Louise took the first game 7-5 with some good play from everyone and some very close hoops. The second game was even tighter and went to a Golden Hoop with Sue and Tom inching ahead. The lead in the final game changed hands several times and a wonderful shot from Sue clinched victory in the final Golden Hoop. So, 5-7  7-6  7-6  was the score after a very exciting but extremely enjoyable final.

Come and try Pilates!

Another Croquet Fun Day – Sunday 22nd September 2024

Dodging the rain another successful fun day was held on Sunday 22nd September with a strong turn out of both members and guests, despite the weather. Thanks to Simon for setting it up and for bringing a new format.

This time we were all playing to win as many hoops as possible in every match so that the eventual winners would be the couple with the highest cumulative total of hoops. Three matches of 35 minutes were played giving a possible 21 hoops to play for.

Roger and Lena triumphed with a total of 16 hoops followed closely by Louise and Tony with 15.

It was another really fun occasion with tea and cakes throughout the afternoon and then a few finished off with a drink in the bar.

Croquet match versus Reigate on 28 August

Ember’s last S League match of the season took place at the beautiful home of Reigate Priory Croquet Club.

Simon played Reigate’s Phil in the morning singles and sizzled at the start getting yellow to peg in no time. Phil was slower to get into his stride. Uncharacteristically, Simon missed several roquets on the red so Phil clawed his way back and eventually win 16-15.

Meanwhile in the doubles Roger and Steve of Ember played Simon and Carolyn. Both teams had moments of good play and not so good, but neither could get a significant lead. Steve, still struggling with hoop-running, should have put it out of reach for Reigate. Luckily, Ember clung on to a close 15-14 win.

Then we had lunch and a well earned rest. It had been a warm morning but now it was rather hot and humid. Water jugs were replenished regularly by our delightful hosts.

In the afternoon matches Roger took on Reigate’s Simon in the singles, while our Simon paired with Steve, against Phil and Carolyn. Simon was back on form and soon got his ball round. Sadly, Steve had more confidence issues with hoops so didn’t get far. Reigate’s Simon carried on with some solid hitting and despite a few blobs at a few hoops, did well for his team. The star however was Carolyn, who played better than her 20 handicap in this game. With time running out, Steve setup the four ball break and ran a few hoops before the wheels fell off again. Reigate were the winners.

So the match finish all square at 2-2. It was a great day.

Golf Croquet Fun Tournament for 25

Yes, we had twenty five people playing croquet this afternoon! We organised into eleven doubles teams, and one of three players taking it in turns to play as a pair. The main lawn was split into two so that we could have four teams on each of the three courts. Double-banking enabled us to have twenty four players playing at the same time. Each game was limited to thirty minutes, so we could finish our min-leagues (three games each) in two and half hours. Everyone had an additional game, playing another team from a different mini-league, based on their league position. The winners of each league played semi-finals and in the end Roger won. Well, actually Alison won, assisted by Roger. Okay they both won. Actually we all won, because it was fun!

That’s enough rambling. Here are some photos.

Croquet AC match versus Hampstead Heath

The Ember team was captained by Roger Stearn, and his two willing lieutenants – Simon Charrington and Steve Edney – met under the big clock at London Waterloo station to continue their onward journey to Hampstead Heath by the Northern Line to Tufnell Park, and then a twenty minute meander to a municipal park at the edge of the heath.

There we were greeted by Alex Lever, one of the HH players who had setup the lawn atop a bowls rink. Alex was in a work call (it transpired later he worked on defence contracts) so his head was permanently resting against his shoulder as he talked and hit practice balls around the lawn.

Next to arrive was Sandy Nairne, a tall distinguished looking man, whom I googled as soon as I got home. It came up in discussion he had recently become a trustee of the National Trust and that he races punts on the Thames by the Albany pub in Thames Ditton.

We had a practice and noticed that the lawn was true and fast, and that a roll shot was difficult to control. It would probably get faster as it dried out because this was the day after the deluge the day before (idea for a film?)

Finally, on his bicycle a young chap with grey hair whizzed in with effusive apologies. This was the third member of the HH team, Ludo Hunter-Tilney. He hastily explained he was a journalist and had had to get an article sorted before he was allowed to play croquet, and that he might have to check out again at lunchtime. Thoroughly nice chap, as all of them were.

So finally to the croquet, Alex whopped Roger in the singles, 26-6. In the doubles, Simon played well but Steve lurched, blobbing at hoops however brilliant his approach play was. Towards the end Ember were 16-14 down and Steve found some form, only for it to disappear once it was 16-16. An easy chance to pip them at the post was missed. Simon did have one last opportunity but uncharacteristically missed a long hit in. A draw versus Sandy and Ludo.

Lunch was served and it included white wine and Gu pots for puddings (there’s an umlaut on the “u”).

Simon took on Ludo in the singles, and hoped to blitz a win so he could leave early for his singing group that evening. Instead it was Hurricane Ludo, who was as hot as Alcaraz (thanks Annabel Croft) had been at Wimbledon, setting the pace, belying his 14 handicap. Simon got going and did a sublime turn from Hoop 1 to peg, but Ludo got back on and ran out the winner 26-12.

Meanwhile in the doubles against Sandy and Alex, neither Steve nor Roger really got a break. Sandy played defensively after Alex had given us a masterclass turn. Ember could not get into it, though Roger did find some good form towards the end, but time ran out and HH won the final game 21-10.

It was a great day and no shame in losing 3.5 to 0.5 in the match. The hosts were marvellous and the lawn was fantastic. Some bowls players played in the afternoon, including Ross Boatman, once of London’s Burning on ITV, and now I am reliably informed by avid watcher Simon, in Eastenders.

Did I mention Sandy is an Art Historian and was director of the National Portrait Gallery from 2002 to 2015? Ludo, meanwhile is the pop critic for the Financial Times.

Simon and Roger on the lawn in their respective games

June 9th Ember Croquet GC Fun Tournament

Despite another cold June day, Ember Croquet’s GC Fun Tournament went ahead as planned with twelve members and four guests taking part, making eight pairs.  The pairings were formed to balance more/less experience and were divided into two ‘Round Robin’ groups, A & B, with all pairs then to play a final according to their position in their respective group.  Everyone, therefore, had three half-hour games in the Round Robin stage (and a break for tea), followed by a final play-off.  Steve had freshly painted the boundary lines the day before and Roger S had prepared the orders of play, so we were all in good fettle to start. 

The Round Robin groups saw much good play, learning about the game, and some great shots!  At the end of this, the final games matched as follows:

Sue Matthew & Mike Read vs Peter Bramworth & Wendy Beaney;

Tom Eddy & Susan Gill vs Geraldine Dhalke & Lena Vantol;

Simon Charrington & Valerie Coleman vs Louise Russell & Belita Charrington;

And for 1st/2nd – Roger Stearn & Philippa Bond vs Pauline Bramworth and Peter Coleman.

The ever-reliable Roger S and newcomer Phil won the closely fought final, over the ever improving and accurate Pauline and newcomer Peter C, to secure official bragging rights til the next tournament.  The ‘official fun’ pairing of Louise and Belita won the third place play-off against chairman Simon and Valerie (valiantly stepping in at the last minute) securing bragging rights no doubt in perpetuity!

All in all, it was a most enjoyable afternoon event, giving all members and guests a chance to play games in a structured but informal and relaxed atmosphere.  Many thanks to Roger for keeping us on track, and to everyone for contributing on the day.

SECF AC ‘S’ League match, Ember vs Bromley – Ember win 4-0

Roger Stearn vs Adam Newbould:                                                                    26-15

Simon Charrington & Steve Edney vs Tony Besgrove & David Clemenson:   17-16

Simon Charrington vs Tony Besgrove:                                                               26-14

Roger Stearn & Hugh Stephenson vs Adam Newbould & David Clemenson:  18-14

The 4-0 victory to Ember belied the closely fought games throughout the cool but dry day.  First up in the morning round was Ember team captain Roger Stearn against Bromley’s low handicapper Adam Newbould.  With four bisques in hand Roger took an early lead but was then kept at bay for large parts of the game while Adam made inroads.  With time running down Roger made his move to progress his second ball and, using his final bisque, made sure of pegging out both balls for the win.  Simon and Steve’s doubles, meanwhile, went to full time (3 1/4 hours) with the Ember pair scrapping and scraping to a one point lead at the finish.  After lunch Bromley’s Tony took a commanding early lead over a seeming out-of-sorts Simon, who remained nevertheless patient (or asleep) for two hours playing necessarily defensively, while his opponent missed a few chances to get going with his second ball to kill off the game.  With less than half an hour left Simon woke up and found some form, taking blue to rover, and moving black to rover, too.  After an exchange of misses, Simon efficiently pegged out.  With Ember victory secured, Roger and Hugh (substitute for Steve) completed the fourth win of the day.  All in all, a very pleasant day of good competition and humour, with ‘home advantage’ perhaps making just the difference between two well-matched teams.

Sunday is Fun Day – for all members and guests

This Sunday (19th May), the Bowls section of Ember Sports Club are hosting a Funday from 2-4pm.
All members of the club and their families are invited to come along.
Children are especially welcome. There will be games suitable for all ages with prizes to be won.

Tea and cakes available and the bar will be open.

Please bring cash!

Croquet Taster Sessions in April

Tell your friends! Tell your family! Tell neighbours! Tell passers-by!

Come and try croquet, for gentle exercise and companionship. We are holding some taster sessions during April. Details in the link: