Please read the guidelines below to get the most out of your club calendar.
When you click on Calendar from the Menu Bar, the settings default to:
– Current Month;
– Search is blank;
– List;
as shown in the heading row, under the page title “Events”.

This means that the Calendar shows you, in a list format, the events due from today onwards until the end of the current month, then it will continue with the next month’s events.
You can change what is shown easily, by changing the content in the heading row.
For example, change the month from current month to June, the list will change to list all June events.

If you enter “Bowls” in the Search bar, then the list will change to show only events which have “Bowls” somewhere in the Event’s title. Remove the word from the search bar to return all events. Try other keywords like “quiz” (to return all quiz events), “mix-in”, “rollup”, “match”.

If you click on “Daily”, the way the information is presented will change. Only today’s events will be shown under the Calendar, but you can click on tomorrow’s date, or further ahead in the month, to find out what’s happening on that specific date.

You can also change how the information is viewed to “Weekly”, “Monthly” or “Yearly”. Perhaps the most commonly used for you would be “Monthly”, but it depends what you’re looking for! The events will be displayed for a specific day (highlighted in the calendar). Remember to click on the specific day you are interested in.

To add an event, please make an authorised request by completing an input form, accessible from the Club Member Login page.
The Website Admin team will receive the completed form and will add it on for you, all being well. If you want a particular image to be displayed, please email this separately, referencing the form request.