New Croquet Lawn Booking Sheet for 2021

We have decided to trial a new lawn booking sheet for 2021 onwards.

As with the previous version, it is accessed via the Croquet Members page on the club website.

Click on the link and you will see a page like this (this is a photo as at 1st December):

Do not worry, I am not expecting you to be able to decipher this photograph! It will appear larger on your screen.

Here is a zoomed in picture of the top left of the screen:

You will notice that the new sheet allows you to book time slots – morning, afternoon and evening. The Morning slot is shown above. Find the day you want to play and type in to the cell next to Main 1 (if booking the main lawn).

Unfortunately, as its 1st December, the lawn is closed, but from 2nd December you can play early afternoons. Join us tomorrow?

As we get to Spring, of course, there will be many more white spaces. The white background indicates that the lawn is bookable (the first column above says “Winter” or “Book” when the season is in full flow).

We will use the same sheet to record other activities, and use it to communicate these to you.

For example, every week we mow the lawn, so this is recorded as “MOW” and the cells are coloured green. Steve, as the chap who manages the mowing rota, will allocate volunteers by date, take a copy of this sheet and email it to the mowing group.

We can also use the sheet to record working party activities, external matches against other clubs, roll ups and who is bringing cake or setting up the barbecue.

It is only essential to use this sheet to book the lawn for a game. There is no other way, unless you take pot luck and just turn up.

All other voluntary work will be communicated via email or by a list posted on the door or in the pavilion, in the usual way. We will endeavour to capture the information from these and transcribe on to this sheet.

The current incentive to do this is for COVID purposes so that we have a record of recent activity in or around the lawns. It’s unlikely but if someone did have a positive test, then this could be used to alert others. Of course, we do have the QR code displayed for the NHS COVID App too.

I hope you are able to access and use the sheet. If you do have problems with it please contact me (

Further information below, for those who have not glazed over yet:

The current week is displayed when you open the sheet. To see next week, use the PAGE DOWN key on your keyboard. PAGE DOWN for later weeks, and PAGE UP to return to earlier weeks. You can click the REFRESH key (top left) to return to the top of the sheet or hover over “History” and click the link to see past entries.

When you click the link from the website, the sheet opens with the message “Working”. This means it is loading. Wait a few more seconds, and the sheet will update so that the current week is shown (this actually only happens on a Sunday when someone opens it for the first time that day, as the new week rolls in).

Yesterday’s details are also updated on opening the sheet, which is sorted, so that yesterday and all previous days are shown at the bottom of the sheet (Remember to click on “History” if you need to refer back).

That’s all for now. I hope this works but only time will tell!

Steve Edney

1st December 2020

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